Sunday, February 05, 2006

Washing my Car

Just a quick thought....I was out yesterday while it was raining...getting the aforementioned haircut...and noticed how dirty my car was.
I had the brilliant idea: "since my car is already wet...I could just rub a cloth over it and take care of some of the dirt." ( I had used this same theory previously when I cleared snow off the car and my husband asked if I had taken my car to the car wash.)

Well, by the time I got home, it had quit raining but was still cold, wet, and threatening more rain.
I began the process of "washing" my car and while I was doing this, my husband said, "You're an idiot...Nobody washes their car when it is raining and cold outside."

The next thing I hear is a male voice calling from the street saying, "Excuse me, but would you like to buy some frozen meat. " After the no thank you...not interested line...he says," would you like to wash my truck next?" (This said with a smirk. ) He drove off with a chuckle after I related that my husband thought I was an idiot....

So I now realize that it doesn't really work that well to just "rub" dirt around on your car...
I am a perfertionist and just couldn't stand those "oil" spots on my white car. I proceeded to actually use soap & water and drag the hose out to rinse it off...

By the time I was done, it was truly raining...not quite "cats & dogs raining"...but enough for someone to think...What an idiot!

I can only use as my defense that I get it naturally....I have fond memories of my dad out in the rain, "washing" his car.


Neva said...

They always did say that the "nut doesn't fall to far from the tree!" and having said that, I have had the same conversation with my husband )about washing the car...the idiot thing is understood). Are you sure we aren't the same person living in two different cities?

Jeff said...

You wash your car? Never seems to happen that way when i'm around....