I have wanted to do an update on the blessed event sooner but as usual, life got in the way and more time passed than I realized! Then with Thanksgiving and guests visiting, it has still been a whirlwind!
It was a beautiful wedding and and the setting was picturesque. The weather was actually pretty good for November, just a little chilly and overcast at one point, but thankfully no rain.

She was an absolutely gorgeous bride:

I really enjoyed the whole weekend, and I was pleased that our part of the festivities (the rehearsal dinner) went as well as it did. The rehearsal venue was at the Piedmont Country Club and they did a great job on the early "Thanksgiving dinner." The idea of a Thanksgiving dinner was all about the middle son, because it is his favorite meal of all time! (A little unconventional but it really turned out well.) For entertainment, we watched the slide show that Courtney's sister, Lindsey, and I helped put together that had various pictures of the couple, both now and as kids. There was quite the selection of pictures of them both!
Here is the bridal couple at the rehearsal dinner:

And here they are with Tom and I:
The reception was a lot of fun and we all had fun dancing, eating, and celebrating. I am enclosing a link that the DJ made about the wedding lights and music. It is an "interesting" video considering it was made specifically by the DJ and is geared for other DJ's. Some of the parts are all "technical talk" but some of the parts really capture the fun and dancing and show the tables, food and fun. (fast forward the button to 1:30 to see the room and miss the driving part...)
DJ Wedding link.
Other reception memories:
Here is the new couple dancing their first dance to "Unchained Melodies": And here they are having a good time on the dance floor:
Here is Michal and I doing the mother of the groom dance to "In My Life" by the Beatles. I was squeezing Michal's thumb that he thinks he broke playing football, so he kept reminding me not to squeeze his hand.It was fun to see all the family members and friends that came to help celebrate with them. They had friends and family from England, China, Costa Rica, and all over the U.S. (It was a BIG wedding!) Here is some of the rowdy group that sang kinda loud to "Almost Heaven, West Virginia!" That song was a blast!
Here was the really pretty cake:
I was sorry we didn't get any really good pictures of the grandson in his little tux, but the little guy was not feeling well and wanted held most of the day. (He "shared" his sickness with some of those near and dear to him, and it was not pretty!! I could sympathize even more with him after I had what he had on Mon. and ended up staying in bed all day!) He really was adorable in his little 18 month sized tux, even being sick!!!
Here are his proud parents:
And here is the other son and Jessy:
Overall, there were a few glitches, including a shuttle bus run that didn't happen and left the bridal couple stranded for a little while, but all in all it was a great day! The wedding couple went to the Bavarian Inn in WV for one night and then will go to the Dominican Republic for their honeymoon at a later date.